How to stop a sponsorship or commitment after a certain date.

8 steps • 39 seconds read

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This guide will show you how to stop a sponsorship or commitment after a certain date in HelpYouSponsor.

1. Click "Donors"

Click on the "Donors" option in the sidebar.

2. Click "the donor row"

Click on the "Donor" row on the donors page. This will open up the donor view

3. Click "the amount"

Click on the "the amount in blue" to edit the commitment.

4. Select "Sponsorship End Date"

Select "the date that you would like the commitment to end on"

5. Use the date picker

Click on the "here" link in the application.

6. Click "Save"

Click on the "Save" button and your commitment or sponsorship should now have and end date

This guide covered the steps on how to stop a sponsorship or commitment after a certain date in Helpyousponsor.

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