Jul 10th Updates on imporrts

  • Import of HiCheck from react-icons/hi 🐾 This allows us to use some charming tick mark icons. Neat!

  • Import of setFilterData from our data management layer (../store/dataSlice) 🗄️ This is a great step to let our app manipulate the data filtering process more effectively.

  • Fresh imports from components/ui for Select and Badge 🎗️🔘 We've added more tools to our user interface palette, bringing in more versatility to the product.

  • Import of components from react-select/dist/react-select.cjs.prod 🔌 We're pulling some needed elements for dropdowns just to provide a more intuitive selection process for our users.

  • Added new CustomSelectOption and CustomControl components 🎚️ More tailored visual components to align with our specific needs better have been included.

  • Built onStatusFilterChange Function 🔄 An essential function that's been added to handle changes in filtering the status. It ensures a more dynamic user experience!

  • Established options array & Added logic to populate this Array 🌱 We've laid down the foundation for storing the various options and mechanisms to fill it with relevant data.

  • Action dispatch through setFilterData and data fetch within onStatusFilterChange function 🎣 The new mechanism has been set up, which tweaks the filtered data and fetches data when we need to change the filter settings. More control at our fingertips!

  • Enriched Select Component With Props & Other components 🏗️ We gave our dropdown menu a makeover: it's got new properties and extra components to play nice with our app.

  • Brought in value Prop to Select Component 🎯 Value has been added to our selection process, giving us greater precision when selecting.

Impressive contributions, folks! Overall, we're enhancing our user interface, adding more control mechanisms, and ultimately improving our user experience. Keep it up!

Last updated

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