Jul 7th Simplified User Viewing and enhanced performance.

  • Simplified User Viewing 👀 The update in DonorUploadNew/index.js ensures that the ViewEntity component, which allows users to view information, will always be displayed in the entity tab, regardless of the server response. This helps in maintaining a consistent user experience! 🙌

  • Selector Update for Enhanced Performance 🚀 We’ve shifted the selectors for profile and donor_fields in DonorViewEntity/components/ProductForm/ProfileCard.js, now using the viewEntityProfile slice of state rather than viewEntity. This will provide smoother and more efficient state management, helping the system run even better! ✨

  • Improved Reducer Import for Enhanced Organization 📂 In DonorViewEntity/index.js, the reducer imported was modified from viewEntity to viewEntityProfile, aligning selectors and actions accordingly. Dependencies for the useEffect hook were also expanded to include client_id, program_id, session_id, and entity_id. These changes promote better project organization and allows for stronger oversight! 👍

  • Action and Thunk Names Update for Consistency 🔄 Within DonorViewEntity/store/dataSlice.js, we've updated the actions and thunk names from viewEntity/data to viewEntityProfile/data. This keeps everything uniform and further improves code readability! 📖

  • State Slice Name Revision for Clarity 👓 In DonorViewEntity/store/stateSlice.js, the state slice name has been shifted from viewEntity/state to viewEntityProfile/state. This change will help developers quickly understand and navigate through the flow of state changes within the app! 💡

Remember, every little improvement brings us closer to perfection, let's keep moving forward and doing amazing work! 🎉

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