Jul 5th Navigation addition.

  • Fantastic Addition of useLocation and const params = location.state πŸ’Ό πŸš€

    A great step has been taken to import useLocation and const params = location.state in the SignInForm.js. This will help our app to be more aware of its current location, allowing us to have a more dynamic response to user interactions! Great one, team!

  • Awesome Navigation Addition! πŸ—ΊοΈ πŸƒ

    We've now got a special new route that our users can navigate to /frontend/donor_view/${client_id}/${program_id}/${success.session_id} directly from our SignInForm.js. And guess what? We're passing { programParam: params } as state too! This means a more personalized and smoother navigation experience for our users, enhancing the user interface of our application! Another excellent move, team! πŸ’ͺ

Keep up the awesome coding! Together, we're taking our application to the next level! 🎈

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