Mar 30th Donation Chart Updates and Dashboard Improvements.

Donation Chart Updates and Dashboard Improvements.

  • New route for successful sign-up page Adding a friendly route which shows a success message after users sign up

  • Improved Admin API function Updating the method used to ensure a smoother experience for admins

  • Enhanced permissions and checks Fixing a few issues and adding more checks for a secure and well-organized experience on various pages

  • Donations chart update Now showing data for the last 3 years, giving you a broader view of the donation trends πŸ“ˆ

  • Sales Dashboard improvement Avoiding errors and ensuring a smooth experience when there’s no data to show

  • Filter name adjustment Simplifying names for better consistency and understanding πŸ‘Œ

  • Permission checks for buttons Making sure only those with the right permissions can access archive and restore functions

  • Code cleanup and optimization Removing unused code and making changes for a more efficient experience ✨

  • Filter integration in multiple components Adjusted to use the new filter for more accurate and relevant filtering of data.

Keep up the great work, team! Let's keep making our platform better and better! πŸš€πŸ˜„

Last updated

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