Jul 4th Improvements on the sign-In?out process.

Let's celebrate some amazing improvements to our application! πŸŽ‰ Here’s a straightforward breakdown of what we’ve achieved:

  1. Improved User Communication πŸ“£

    • In our main application file (src/App.js), we've enhanced our ability to interact with our users by utilizing some highly useful features from Intercom (a communication tool).

    • Every time a user navigates to a different page, we'll now be able to send updates via Intercom, making our communication more dynamic and responsive. This ensures our users won't miss any important updates! πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  2. Smoother Sign-In/Out Process : πŸ”‘

    • In our authentication utility file (src/utils/hooks/useAuth.js), we've made signing in and out smoother than ever.

    • Now, when a user signs out, all Intercom instances will be properly closed, ensuring a clean and tidy sign-out process. No more unnecessary communications or open dialogues! 🧹

    • After successfully signing in, the Intercom will start-up again, ready to provide any helpful information to the user. A wonderful welcome back! πŸ₯³

  3. Added Intercom Functionality in a New File πŸ“‚

    • We've introduced a new file named src/intercom.js which is like the command center for our Intercom tool! This file makes sure we can easily manage all Intercom-related functionalities in one central location. Easier management, less clutter! 🎯

This is a huge step forward in improving our user communication and ensuring a better overall experience for our app users! Keep up the great work everyone! πŸ†

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