Jul 17th more enhancements

A lot of great work has been done on this Pull Request, guys! Let me break it down for you. 🎉📚

  • Enhancements to UserDropdown.js Our wonderful team managed to tidy up the file by removing unused imports. Additionally, we've imbued some more color into the user interface and refined our activity logs for better tracking.

  • New Function in AccountServices.js A brand new apiClientLogOut function is born! It's going to provide a smoother log out experience for our users. 🚀

  • Check Added in ApiService.js To boost our system's intelligence, we have added a new safety check. Now, the system is aware of a user's logout status during data fetch operations. Pretty smart, right? 🌐

  • Logout in BaseService.js To further enhance user experience, we're giving our BaseService the power to automatically logout users when necessary! Safety first, right? ✔️

  • Integration.js Customisation Look out for some added flexibility! We're now pulling client IDs from environment settings and adjusted button availability depending on the ID. 😎

  • New Function and Button in index.js Ready to say goodbye in a click? A logout function and its corresponding button do that trick for us. 🖐️

  • Exciting Updates in ProductTableTools.js Extra functions for the win! Now we have a dedicated button for exporting reports and a dialog component to choose the export options. Analytics just got a level up! 📊🧮

Great work everyone, keep it up! Let's continue making our project better each day 💪

Last updated