Field Label and Field Types

Field Label and Field Types

Editing a form field has the same options as adding a form field so for the example below we will only go through adding a new form field.

When you click the "Add New Field" button, a drawer opens with several options. Clicking the "Edit" button for a form field brings up a drawer with the same options; however, the current settings will be populated.

The first option is the Enter Label field:

This is the text you want to display next to the field and provides information about what is expected in the field. For example, for a field where you want the child's name entered you would enter a label of "Child Name."

Next is a drop down list with the available field types. This controls the type of input used for collecting information through this form field. This may sound a little confusing so we will go through each field type and provide an example of what the field looks like below each description.

Text: One line field that accepts text (any alphanumeric data)

Textarea: Multiple lines of text. This field also includes a WYSIWYG editor to provide formatting of the text

Static Text: This is text that does not change within the form. It is technically not an input field. Use this field to provide additional information to the user. It can be used as a section heading or as directions within the form.

Age: This field only accepts dates for inputting the date of birth and it will display the date and age automatically.

Date: For inputing dates, such as a birthday. This field only accepts dates and provides a drop down calendar for picking the date.

Link: Provides a way to link to something outside of the software. One possible use is to link to a video hosted on a service like Youtube or Vimeo

Select List: This is a drop down list of items. Use this when you have a preset list of items and only one option must be chosen.

Checkbox: This provides checkboxes for a preset list of items. Use this when multiple items can be chosen.

Table: Creates a table of items with a separate column for each option. Use this when you need to collect several pieces of data about each item and may have a variable number of items. For example, when you want to collect some information about the siblings of a sponsored child. You may want to collect the name, date of birth, and whether or not they live at home, which are several pieces of data about one sibling and each sponsored child has a different number of siblings.

Auto Increment ID: This creates an ID number field that automatically generates the ID number. In your program you will set the prefix for the ID number. This field cannot be edited by any admin accept those who are part of an admin group with Super Admin permissions. **Note: this field only works for Sponsorship Profiles. It is not currently implemented in the other field types.

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