Add Report Form Fields

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This guide will walk you through the process of adding report form fields in the Employee Training application. Follow the instructions below to easily customize your report forms.

1. Click "Manage Fields"

Click on "Manage Fields" on a report form that you want to add the form fields on

2. Click here

From this field you will add the field label name

3. Type in the field label name

An example of the field label can be "First Name"

4. Click here

Click the selected button

5. Choose the field type

Select the field type that you want to add to your form. This can be "Text" as an example

6. Choose the Permissions

Click the selected option, the option chosen will determine who sees the data added onto the form field

7. Click the dropdown button to show the options

Select from the list of permissions provided

8. Click "Title?" checkbox

If checked this field will be used as the profile title (or name).

9. Click "Required?" checkbox

If checked this field will be required in order to save the profile information.

10. Click "Save"

Click on the "Save" field

In this guide, you learned how to add report form fields in the Employee Training application. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily customize your report forms to suit your needs.

Last updated