Message Manager
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The Message Manager is a comprehensive communication hub that allows administrators to manage all correspondence between recipients and donors. This interface provides tools for creating, tracking, and organising messages while maintaining clear communication channels.
To navigate to message manage, click on "Message Manager" on the main menu.
The message manager page is divided into three sections;
Message manager menu.
Messages list.
Message content view.
The message manager menu is divided into three sections;
The mailbox has the following sections;
All Messages.
This section lists all messages from all categories.
This section lists the incoming messages from the donors to the recipients.
In Process.
This section lists the messages from donors that are being reviewed by the administrators.
This section lists the messages drafted by the administrators pending approval to be sent to the donors.
This section lists the messages sent to the donors.
This section lists all the admins in your organisation. All messages assigned to an administrator can be viewed by clicking the administrator's name.
New Message.
This is where creating of messages to send to donors is done. Clicking the new message button opens up a drawer with the compose message area
To compose a new message fill in the following; a. From: The recipient. b. To: The donor to the recipient. If a recipient has more than one donor, you can select multiple donors. c. Subject: The title for the message. d. Message: The body for the message. After composing the message, you can save it as a draft or send it right away to the donor.
The message list section lists the messages depending on which section you have selected from the message manager menu.
By clicking the checkbox on the left of each message, you change the status of a message or multiple messages or assign messages to an admin.
For draft messages, the Approve and Send button together with the Delete button will appear.
The message content view is where the details of a message selected from the message list are shown.
From this section you can translate the body of the message to different languages. The languages we currently support include English, Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, French, Luganda, Swahili, Hindi, Filipino, German.
When you translate a message, the translation appears right below the message.
To reply to messages received from donors, click the reply button on the top in the message content view section. This will pop up a text area to write the reply. You can choose to save the reply as a draft and right away send it to the recipient's donor.
For messages in the draft category, you will be able to edit the draft message as well as assign the draft message to an administrator.
The Approve and Send button will only appear for the super administrator to review the drafts, approve and send them to the donors.