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Last updated
The Newsletter feature allows you to create and manage email communications with your donors at scale. This powerful tool helps you maintain regular contact with your donor base, share updates about your programs and keep your supporters engaged with your cause.
To navigate to newsletter, click on "Newsletter" on the main menu.
The newsletter table lists all the letters created. A newsletter can be first drafted and sent afterwards after approval or it can be sent immediately.
The table shows the following details;
Title: The header of the newsletter.
Status: The status of the newsletter. (Sent or Draft).
Sender: The administrator who created and sent the newsletter.
Sent: The date when the newsletter was created.
Manage: This is where you can delete the draft messages from.
You can filter the table to show the newsletters based on there statuses.
To create a new newsletter click on the "new email" button on top of the table.
This will open up a form to compose the newsletter.
The form has three sections;
To: Here you will find the donors to send the newsletter to. You can select all donors or specifically select those you want to send the newsletter to.
Title: This is the title of the newsletter.
Message: This is the body of the newsletter.
After composing the newsletter, you can send it immediately by clicking "Send" or save it as a draft by clicking "Save Draft" to have it approved later.
To edit a draft newsletter, click on the title of the newsletter in the newsletter table.
This will open up a page to show the details of the draft newsletter.
From here you can edit the newsletter by clicking the "Edit" button. You can as well approve and send the newsletter by clicking the "Approve and Send" button which will send the newsletter to the donors that were selected when creating the newsletter.
To view the donors to whom the newsletter will be sent click the "Audience" tab on the top.