Program Settings
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Program Settings are the foundation of how your sponsorship programs function. They control crucial aspects like sponsorship costs, number of sponsors per recipient, and various display options. Settings can be shared across multiple programs or configured uniquely for each program, providing maximum flexibility for your organisation's needs.
To navigate to "Program Settings" click on "Programs" under "Options" on the main menu and click on the "Program Settings" Tab.
From this page you can view the program settings in the system and the Programs that are using those settings. You can perform actions like creating a new setting, editing an existing setting and deleting a setting.
To create a program setting click the "Create Settings" button. This will open up a drawer with the form for creating a new Program Setting.
When creating a program setting, you have to select a "Program Type" that the programs that will use the setting have to inherit. Each program has its own unique settings that it uses. HelpYouSponsor provides you with three program types;
This program type requires monthly contributions to reach a certain threshold to complete a sponsorship. For example if your sponsorship target for a child is $200, the child will be considered fully sponsored when the total amount of donations received by the child hits $200 and will not be able to receive any more donations.
The unique settings for this program type include;
Sponsorship Amount(s): This is what the Donor pays monthly to sponsor a given recipient.
Amount Labels: These are various sponsorship amounts to designate your sponsorship levels.
Amounts(s) to complete sponsorship: This is the amount that all sponsorship contributions must add up to in order to complete sponsorship.
Number of Sponsors.
This program type requires a certain number of sponsors to complete a sponsorship. For example if you set your number of sponsors for each child to be two, this means that when two donors commit to start sponsoring that child, the child will be considered fully sponsored and will not be available for other donors to sponsor.
The unique setting for this program type include;
Number of sponsors needed: This is the number of Sponsors that it takes for a recipient to be fully sponsored.
Sponsorship Amount(s): This is what the Donor pays monthly to sponsor a given recipient.
This program type does not necessarily require physical children or recipients. The contributions that go to this program go to the cause of the campaign. Here you can have or not have a donation target.
The unique settings for this program type include;
Donation target: This is the amount in total contributions that it takes for the program to reach its target donation amount.
Duration of program: This is the period of time the campaign is planned to run for. Leave empty if the sponsorship program has no end date.
Transaction amount(s): This are the amount options the donor chooses from to make one time or recurring donations to the campaign.
Donation program info: This is a description of what the campaign is all about. This information will display below the picture on the campaign page on the website.
Redirect URL: This is the URL where donors will be redirected to after successfully donating to the campaign
Other shared settings across all the program types include;
Currency symbol: This setting is pre-filled and disabled. The currency used here is the base currency selected in the account settings.
Donor account options: This section includes settings that will affect the functionalities and access when a donor logs into their HelpYouSponsorAccount.
Order page options: This section includes settings that enable or disable specific payment methods for the donors on the order or donation page.
Front page options: This section includes settings that affect how the recipients are displayed on the website for donors to sponsor.
Program settings also provide you with custom text setting that is shared across contribution and number of sponsors program types. These include;
Sponsorship program info: This text will display below the picture of the recipient on the profile page on the website.
Front page text: This text will display at the top of the front page where recipients are listed for sponsorship.
Profile page text: This text will display at the bottom of the recipient's profile when donors are viewing recipient details.
Order page text: This text will display at the top of the order or donation page.
Donor account text: This text will display at the top of the donor/sponsor's account page after they have logged in to the sponsorship program.
To know more about a setting in the program setting form, simply click on the green information icon next to the setting on the right to view more details about the setting.
By properly configuring your program settings, you ensure consistent operation across your sponsorship programs while maintaining the flexibility to customise individual programs as needed.