First Program Setup

By default HelpYouSponsor provides a new user with two pre-configured sponsorship programs:

  • Child Sponsorship: Designed for child sponsorships.

  • General Campaign: Suitable for general campaign funding.

Default HelpYouSponsor programs

While these can be great starting points, you may want to create a custom program tailored to your organisation's needs. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a complete sponsorship program ready to receive donations.

Step one: Create a program

To create a program, navigate to "Programs" under "Options" in the main menu. This will show the "Manage Programs" tab by default.

Click on the "Create a program" button that will open a drawer with a form to create a program. The form takes in a "Program Name" and a "Program abbreviation". Let's create a program called "Empowering Lives" and click Save.

After saving, the new program will appear in the list of programs.

Step Two: Create Program Setting and Attach to Program

The next step is to create a "Program Setting" and attach it to our "Empowering Lives" program. To do this click on the "Program Settings" tab. This will show you the default program settings that are attached to the Child Sponsorship and General Campaign programs.

Let's create a new program setting. To create one click on the "Create Settings" button. This will open up a drawer with the form to create a Program Setting.

To learn more about Program Settings click here.

NOTE: Each field has a green information icon that gives more information about the field with just one click.

There are three Program types that a Program Setting can use.

  1. Contribution: This requires monthly contributions to reach a certain threshold to complete sponsorship.

  2. Number of Sponsors: This requires a certain number of sponsors to complete sponsorship.

  3. Campaign: This does not require recipients. The contributions go to the cause.

Let's create a Program Setting of Program Type "Number of Sponsors" and call it "Empowering Lives Setting" and click Save.

After saving we should see our program setting listed.

Note that we have nothing under the "Used By" column. Meaning we haven't yet attached out Program Setting to a Program. Let's go ahead and attach it.

To attach the program setting, head back to the "Manage Programs" tab and click on the "Setting icon" for the Program.

This will open a drawer with the settings tab open by default. Select the Program Setting we created and click the "Attach" button. This will attach the program setting to the program.

To confirm our attached program setting let us head back to "Program Settings" and see if our program is shown under "Used By".

Our Program settings can now show the attachment to our Program.

Step Three: Create Recipient Profile and Donor Profile forms and attach them to the Program.

By default HelpYouSponsor provides you with three Program Forms. These include;

  1. Two Recipient Profile forms: Used to collect recipient information

    • Child Profile Form: Attached to Child Sponsorship program.

    • Campaign Form: Attached to General Campaign program.

  2. One Donor form: Used to collect donor information during donations.

    • Sponsor Profiles: Attached to both General Campaign and Child Sponsorship programs.

To learn more about Program Forms click here.

NOTE: One Program form can be attached to more than one Program.

To create a program form click on the "Program Forms" tab and click the "Create Form" button. This will open up a drawer with a form for creating Program Forms.

Let's create a Recipient Profile form called "Empowerment Recipients" and a Donor Profile form called "Empowerment Donors".

Next we need to add fields to our Program forms. These fields represent the data that will be collected from the donors and the recipients. To add fields, click on the "Manage Fields" button. This will open up a drawer for adding new fields to the form. To add a field make sure you are in the "Add New Field" tab. You can add as many fields as you like.

Lets create two fields [Name (field type: text) and Age (field type: age)] in Empowerment Recipients and One field [Name (field type: text)] in Empowerment Donors.

Next let us attach the two Program forms to our "Empowering Lives" program. Click on the "Manage Programs" tab and click on the Settings icon for Empowering Lives and got to the "Forms" tab in the opened drawer.

Our newly created Program forms should be listed in the Donor form and Recipient form respectively. Select them and click the "Attach" button on each one.

Step Four: Create Auto Email Set and attach it to the program.

To create an Auto Email Set, click on the "Auto Emails" tab. Here you will see the default Auto Email Set provided by HelpYouSponsor.

Let us create a new Auto Email Set by clicking the "Create Auto Email set" button. This will open up a drawer with the form to create one. Let's call the Auto Email Set "Empowering Emails" with a from email address as "[email protected]" and click Save.

We should now be able to see our new Auto Email set listed.

To learn more about Auto Emails click here.

Let us attach our new Auto Email set to our program. To attach the Auto Email set to our program, click on the "Manage Programs" tab and click on the "Settings" icon. In the drawer that opens click on the "Emails" tab.

Select the Auto Email Set and click the "Attach" button to attach the Auto Email Set to the program.

After attaching the Auto Email set, you should now see a green tick next to the program name in Manage Programs. This indicates the the Program had been fully setup.

Step Five: Add recipients to your Program.

Next we need to add recipients to the program so that they can be sponsored and receive donations from the donors.

To add recipients to our program, navigate to "Programs" under "Home" on the main menu and click "View Recipients" on the "Empowering Lives" Program.

This will show you all the key features in the Program.

To add a recipient to the program, click the "Add Recipient" button. This will open up a drawer showing you a form with the fields you added to the "Empowerment Recipients" form and the necessary fields from the "Empowering Lives Setting" program setting that was attached.

Let's create our first recipient John Dow and hit Save.

The recipients table should now show the added recipient.

After these five steps, you have your Program ready with recipients to receive donations from donors.

Last updated