Donor Profile Page
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Last updated
The donor profile page provides a comprehensive view of an individual donor's information, sponsorships, payment methods, activity logs, and donation history. This centralised dashboard allows administrators to manage all aspects of a donor's relationship with your organisation.
To get to the donor profile page click on the eye icon in the action column to be redirected to that donor's profile page.
The donor profile page is segmented into the sections below.
The donor profile displays all the personal information collected from the donor.
From here you can view the status of the donor (active or archived), the day he joined, how much he has donated, and his personal information.
From the profile section you can also edit the donor by clicking the "Edit donor" button. This open up the drawer with the donor form pre-filled with the donor details.
From this same drawer you can archive or restore the donor depending on the status of his account.
You can add files to the donor's profile by clicking the "Files" button. This opens up a drawer where you can upload the files.
From this same drawer you can set the profile picture for the donor. To do this, click the three horizontal dots next to the filename on the preferred uploaded picture and select "Make profile".
You can also add notes to the donor's profile by clicking the "Notes" button.
This section lists all the recipients that the donor is sponsoring with recurring donations.
Each sponsorship cards shows the following;
Name of the recipient being sponsored.
The amount donated to the recipient.
The frequency of the donations.
Status of the sponsorship. Whether the payment is due or active.
Date of the next donation charge.
The sponsorship card have to additional functions that include;
Archiving a sponsorship
This is the pause button on the right side. From here you can archive a sponsorship. This action will pause the donations that the recipient receives from the donor and also remove the sponsorship from the current sponsorship list.
Adding a payment
This is the plus button on the right side. This action adds a one time donation to the sponsorship. Clicking this button opens up a drawer to fill in the preferred date of payment, amount and payment method to complete the transaction.
The payment methods section displays the donors payment methods. This can be one of two methods. Either a credit card or a PayPal email depending on what payment gateway is activated.
You can edit the payment method by click the pencil icon on the right. This will open up a dialog to edit the donors payment method.
This section shows the activities connected to the donors account like archiving or restoring a sponsorship, sending a message to a recipient, donation to a recipient etc.
It also shows the donations made by the donor in donation history table.
The table shows following details;
Date the donation happened.
Type of donation (Donation or sponsorship).
Designation that received the funds.
Method of payment.
Result of the transaction (successful or failed)
Amount donated.
From the donations table you can refund funds to a donor by scrolling to the right of the table till you see a back arrow.
Clicking this will prompt you to refund the funds the donor.
You can as well edit the donation by clicking the amount.
This section shows the tax summary for the donor. It basically provides a summary of the donor's donations in a particular year with the total donations made in that year.
From the tax summary, you are able to export it to a CSV file or save it as PDF by using the "Export CSV" and "Save to PDF" buttons respectively.
This section lists all the sponsorships archived from the current sponsorships. To restore the sponsorship back to current sponsorships click the "Restore" button.