Edit Donor

Description on how to edit a donor

When you want to edit a donor, you'll have to choose it from the actions.

In order to edit a donor, you'll first have to retrieve the id of the donor, incase you know or you'll be passing it with your trigger data then you can skip the steps below.

Because email addresses of the donors are unique, you will be able to get the donor id using the email address, this assumption is that you are sending the email addresses from your trigger data. Choose Retrieve Donor Id By Email Address

continue to authenticate your account, Then you'll be presented with a form to attach the email address of the donor that you want to edit.

Choose Continue and then run the test, this will return the donor id and some other information about this donor

Choose Continue so that you can pass on this data for the next action below.

Edit Donor

Choose the action of Edit Donor from the actions list

Connect an account through authentication and then move on to Action.

On the Form Id you'll pass the form id that will be used to generate the form fields, and then Donor Id will be the Id of the donor to be edited. All of this can be got from the returned data passed from the step described above.

Click Refresh fields to be able for zapier to generate the form fields. Then you fill in the fields that you would want to edit. Then Continue , Test and then check HelpYouSponsor that the data was edited and then you can Publish

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